
By editor, 27 July, 2023

For Hospodářské noviny, Jirka comments on the summer case of Datart, which prematurely ended a discount promotion for its customers. He points out the importance of considering the reaction of Czech consumers to similar promotions in advance. He says that at a time when Czechs are under pressure from high inflation, companies should carefully consider what discount campaigns to launch.

By editor, 27 July, 2023

Pro Hospodářské noviny komentuje Jirka letní kauzu Datartu, který předčasně ukončil slevovou akci pro své zákazníky. Poukazuje především na důležitost předchozího zvážení reakce českých spotřebitelů na podobné promoční nabídky. Říká, že v době, kdy se Čechům dostává tlaku vysoké inflace, by měly firmy pečlivě zvážit, jaké slevové kampaně spustí. Celý článek si můžete přečíst také na hn.cz.

By Anonymous (not verified), 26 June, 2023

After winning the Czech round of the Young Lions competition in the PR category, Jakub and Lucía went to the Cannes Festival of Creativity with financial support from Ogilvy, where they also took part in the international round of Cannes Young Lions. They wrote about their experience of the festival and the 24-hour challenge for Marketing & Media.

By Anonymous (not verified), 26 June, 2023

Po vítězství v českém kole soutěže Young Lions v kategorii PR se za finanční podpory Ogilvy vydali Jakub s Lucíou na festival kreativity do Cannes, kde se zúčastnili také mezinárodního kola Cannes Young Lions. Své zážitky z festivalu i čtyřiadvaceti hodinové výzvy sepsali pro Marketing & Media.

By Anonymous (not verified), 21 June, 2023

PR as a key tool in the energy crisis (Centropol Energy)

  • Crisis, change and public affairs category
  • Industry, engineering and energy category

Molecule: Jizerská 50 through the eyes of technology and art (T-Mobile)

  • Telecommunications and IT Category

It is in your hands, together against infection! (Hartmann Group)

By Anonymous (not verified), 21 June, 2023

PR jako klíčový nástroj v energetické krizi (Centropol Energy)

  • kategorie Krizová komunikace, komunikace změny a public affairs
  • kategorie Průmysl, strojírenství a energetika

Molekula: Jizerská 50 pohledem technologií a umění (T-Mobile)

  • kategorie Telekomunikace a IT

Máte to ve svých rukou, společně proti infekci! (Hartmann group)

By Anonymous (not verified), 19 June, 2023

They highlight the importance of branding in the online environment, which can provide retailers with a competitive advantage and customer loyalty. A well-defined and communicated brand can help e-shops in many ways, including influencing customer decisions or sensitivity to price changes. The results of the study show that half of Czech and Slovakian e-shops try to work with their brand in some way, but in most cases their efforts end with a name and logo. More than three quarters (78 per cent) of respondents said that their e-shop has a defined brand.

By Anonymous (not verified), 20 June, 2023

"As one of his business partners, we regularly follow the exciting story of a Czech-Slovak e-commerce entrepreneur through customer research. In addition to the bureaucratic burden and considerable initial financial investment, we know that marketing is one of the challenges for which he does not have sufficient knowledge or capacity.